Seeing a bright tomorrow starts with a clear plan today
Pension Consultants has 20/20 vision for your future and is always keeping up with the latest IRS rules and regulations. And with the latest online technology, Pension Consultants
keeps you informed in real time about your plan.
Knowledge of the industry
Pension Consultants constantly reviews government regulations to be sure that every allowable strategy is in place for clients. We work with the new rules and educate, plan and
implement the latest technology for the plans that we administer.
Consulting is problem solving - it is not a commodity
One of the major differences between our firm and our competitors is the detailed consulting and analysis of employee census data that we perform. Each year, we make sure that the
census data that we work with is exactly correct based on the terms of your plan. While some of our clients have acknowledged that we ask a lot of questions about their census,
they agree that asking the right questions provides a more detailed analysis and leads to correcting any discrepancies. That is the consulting difference that we promise to each
one of our clients.
What we can do for you:
- Initiate Plan Design and Implementation, including 401(k) plans, Profit Sharing plans, Defined Benefit plans, and Cash Balance plans
- Provide Actuarial Consulting
- Draft and execute Plan Documents to comply with all mandated government restatements
- Determine eligibility for newly hired and re-hired employees
- Monitor all IRS limitations
- Complete all applicable annual discrimination tests
- Determine the vested percent of the employer contributions, if applicable
- Process distributions and loans from the plan
- Monitor the Top Heavy status of the plan
- Assist with any IRS or DOL audit of the plan
- Perform detailed analysis to determine if the plan’s allocation formula is appropriate
- Calculate optimal contribution levels for key employees
- Reconcile contribution deposits to trust assets for each employee
- Provide an annual management report with recommendations for the coming year
- Prepare a signature-ready Form 5500 annual return
- Facilitate miscellaneous government reporting, including Forms 1099R, 5330, etc.